We always need liturgists/ushers/greeters/song leaders/snacks. Please sign up!!
We always need liturgists/ushers/greeters/song leaders/snacks. Please sign up!!
Please reach us at pinevillagebiblechurch@gmail.com or phone at (765) 385-2582 if you cannot find an answer to your questions.
We are a non-denomination small rural church whose history goes back over 100 years who recently disaffiliated from the United Methodist denomination.
Anyone is welcome to our services or any of our fellowship activities, there are no membership requirements.
Yes, there is a wheelchair ramp at the front of the church leading to the sanctuary and handicapped parking. There is also handicapped access to the kitchen area in the basement via the entrance at the back of the church.
We practice an open communion usually on the first Sunday of the month. You do not need to be a member or baptized to take Communion at Pine Village Bible Church. If you have a personal faith in Jesus Christ, then you are invited to partake of the Lord’s Supper. (1 Corinthians 11:17–34)
If you are comfortable, we are comfortable.
We typically have between 40 and 50 people attending Sunday service. It varies with holidays and the farming season. We are looking to grow and would love to see you there!!!
Sunday school is at 9am and church service is at 10am every Sunday. Coffee and snacks follow the church service at around 11am.