We always need liturgists/ushers/greeters/song leaders/snacks. Please sign up!!
Welcome to the Pine Village Bible Church
Let's make our community a better place!
Welcome to the Pine Village Bible Church
Let's make our community a better place!
We always need liturgists/ushers/greeters/song leaders/snacks. Please sign up!!
Let's make our community a better place!
Let's make our community a better place!
Women’s Bible Study has elected to study ‘Experiencing the Heart of Jesus’ by Max Lucado this year. This is a 52-week study that can be joined at any time. There is room for you and a friend to join. The group meets at 5:30pm on Tuesdays usually at the church.
Prayer should be the first thing believers turn to when wanting to intervene or support others in need. A prayer tree is being organized right now, Please consider if this is a ministry outreach that you would like to support. There is a sign-up sheet on the welcome table for those interested, please see Jodi or click the link below to find out more.
The Adult Sunday School class is reading the Bible in a year in Chronological order, printed on the church calendar. We will discuss Sunday mornings the previous week’s readings. Everyone is welcome to join. Adult Sunday School class meets at 9:00am before the Church Service.
Looking for ways to feel more connected at Pine Village Bible Church and the surrounding communities in general? We are always in need of volunteers with a variety of backgrounds including teaching, child care, music, decorating, building maintenance, and technology (PC skills, routers, security cameras, website management, YouTube, etc.) This is a good way to hone your current skills or learn a new skill and beef up your resume.
Please join us for a free delicious gourmet breakfast and nourishment for the soul. Men's Fellowship Breakfast occurs in the church basement toward the end of every month on Saturday at 7:00 am. Please see Mick Anderson for details.
Want to know what charities we support and how you can get involved?
Missed a Sunday, not able to attend or just curious what our sermons are about? No worries!! Most of the sermons are available online.
Have questions about the Pine Village Bible Church? Some of your answers may be here